Saturday, August 31, 2019

To Kill or Not to Kill

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: TO KILL OR NOT TO KILL Student: Dave Cameron Professor: Robert Ashley Class: CAN271FA Law & The Citizen The first record of capital punishment in Canada is that of Peter Cartcel, a sailor who murdered Abraham Goodsides, a sailor from another ship, in 1749. Peter Cartcel was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by hanging. Capital punishment was first implemented in Canada in 1749 when it was under British rule as a British colony. The death penalty was not abolished in Canada until 1976.The last instance of Capital punishment was an execution that took place at Toronto’s Don Jail on December 11, 1962. Arthur Lucas, a man convicted of killing an FBI informant and Ronald Turpin, a petty thief who shot a policeman while fleeing a restaurant robbery, were the last two individuals to be hung in Canada. Over the course of the two centuries that Capital punishment was in use in Canada, 710 individuals were executed. Canada should not re-instate the death penalty for any offences due to the fact that the legal system is still not an exact science and many innocent individuals continue to be wrongfully accused of crimes.There are many disadvantages to Capital punishment and reinstating it would be an egregious error on our nation’s part and we would be taking a step backwards in terms of our civility and humanity. If Canada reinstates the death penalty, there is a possibility that many individuals will be executed for crimes they did not commit. While there are no known cases of wrongful executions in Canada, between the years of 1879 and 1960, 438 death sentences were commuted as a result of newfound evidence etc. Had those 438 death sentences not been commuted, it is possible that 438 innocent Canadian citizens would have been put to death.Despite the fact that there is no evidence of wrongful executions in Canada, there have been many cases of individuals who have been exonerated of their crimes years after they were execute d in other nations. One infamous case of wrongful execution occurred in the United States. Claude Jones, a United States citizen, was executed in the year 2000 for murdering liquor storeowner Allen Hilzendager in 1989. In 2007, a DNA test revealed that the strand of hair that was used by the prosecution to convict Claude Jones was actually a strand of hair belonging to the victim, proving Claude Jones’ innocence.Similar to Claude Jones’ proven innocence years after his execution, there have been many wrongful executions in other nations throughout the world. In the United Kingdom, Timothy Evans was found guilty of murdering his wife and daughter in 1950. The serial killer John Christie in fact committed the murders. The police coerced Timothy Evans into a false confession. The police also did not do a proper search of John Christie’s property and failed to find other human remains. Timothy Evans was granted a royal pardon in 1966, however an innocent life had be en needlessly taken.Capital punishment was abolished in the United Kingdom partly because of Timothy Evans wrongful execution. If Capital punishment did not exist in these nations, the lives of many innocent men and women would have been spared. Therefore, Capital punishment should not be reinstated in Canada because it is not worth the possibility that innocent Canadians will be put to death for crimes they did not commit. If an individual is wrongfully accused for a crime, incarcerated for life and are exonerated, they can be released and resume their former life. However, a wrongful execution cannot be undone or taken back, it is permanent.It has been proven throughout the history of modern of law, particularly throughout the history of English common law, which is the basis of the Canadian legal system in every province in Canada except for Quebec, a province where they practice Civil law, that 50% of eyewitness testimony is false. Eyewitness testimony is the most influential de ciding factor for a Jury during trial and 95-100% of crimes that carry Capital punishment are trails with a Jury. Therefore, there is a very high risk that innocent individuals will be put in jail and sentenced to Capital punishment based on a Jury swayed by false eyewitness testimony.Capital punishment has been used by nearly all nations throughout the world at one point in history. The use of Capital punishment as part of the justice system began with recorded history and it has made many changes and advances over the millennia that it has been in use. To its credit, there have been many movements towards more humane forms of execution, especially throughout the last century. Prisoners are no longer being boiled to death, crucified or impaled, however execution as a form of punishment is still seen as a gruesome act by many countries, including Canada.The more humane forms of execution that have been invented and implemented in modern jails include the electric chair, the gas cham ber and lethal injection. These forms of â€Å"humane† execution are used in the United States where Capital punishment is legal. Many societies with Capital punishment ascribe to the Biblical Old Testament form of law, the idea of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, where a person who has harmed another should be similarly harmed in retribution. However, if you take an eye for an eye every time someone is wronged, the whole world will go blind.Another disadvantage to Capital punishment is that one of the purposes of jails in modern society is to rehabilitate inmates. Jails do not only exist to protect society from criminals that can harm the innocent, they also have the intention of rehabilitating inmates so that they can rejoin society as healthy, functioning members who can contribute in a meaningful way. There are many different types of rehabilitation programs established in Canadian prisons. One important rehabilitation program gives inmates access to educational services that they did not receive prior to their incarceration for various socio-economic reasons.These educational services allow inmates, who are often lacking basic education, to become literate, receive their General Education Development diploma, participate in vocational education programs, earn College diplomas and earn University degrees. One of the leading causes of crime is poverty, which is often caused by a cycle of illiteracy and a lack of education. Inmates should be given a chance to be educated while serving their sentence so that they can be rehabilitated into society, rather than being executed. When Capital punishment is in place in a nation, no societal progress can be made.Thousands of lives are taken and no change is made, the cycle of crime continues. Another leading cause of crime is drug and alcohol abuse. Many individuals resort to crime to support their expensive drug and alcohol habits and the majority have not received drug treatment prior to their inc arceration. Another important rehabilitation program in Canadian prisons is the drug treatment program. Studies have shown that inmates who are required to participate in drug rehabilitation programs combined with therapy show positive results. The purpose of jails is to not only punish criminals, but to rehabilitate them into society.Inmates need to be given a chance to receive the rehabilitation they need, such as drug and alcohol treatment and an education before their lives are taken away. The solution to crime in our society is not Capital punishment. It is finding the source and the root of the crime, such as poverty, lack of education and drug and alcohol abuse and solving these problems and rehabilitating these individuals. Once inmates are successfully rehabilitated the level of crime will greatly diminish and no lives need to be taken in the form of Capital punishment.There are numerous disadvantages to reinstating Capital punishment in Canada, however one of the advantage s to Capital punishment is it costs less money to execute a prisoner than to house them for life. In Canada, rather than receiving the death penalty for crimes such as murder, individuals receive 25 years in prison without the possibility of parole for the duration of those 25 years. It is possible that these individuals will remain in prison for the rest of their lives. If the crime is particularly heinous, the prisoner is designated a dangerous offender.This makes the possibility of parole much more difficult to obtain. Prisoners can also be designated long-term offenders. This is less serious than being designated a dangerous offender, however it is still difficult to receive parole. The designation of dangerous offender and long-term offender are made after individuals are convicted. The prisoners only given these designations once they have received a fair trail. Prisoners such as long-term offenders and dangerous offenders who remain in jail for 25 or more years cost Canadian tax payers and the Government an enormous amount of money.One advantage to Capital punishment is it’s financial benefit to the nations that implement it. The annual cost of housing an inmate in Canada can range between $52,000 to $250,000 a year depending on level of security of the facility in which the inmate is being held. Multiply that figure by the 25 years an inmate serves when sentenced to life in prison instead of receiving Capital punishment and the housing of an inmate for life in Canada ranges from $1,300,000 to $6,250,000. It is Canadian taxpayers who pay for the housing of inmates through the Government.However, the financial benefit of killing individuals instead of housing them for life is not worth potentially killing the innocent. There are many advantages and disadvantages to Capital punishment, however it should not be reinstated in Canada. The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages and it is simply not worth the possibility of potentially killing innoce nt individuals just to save the taxpayers and the Government money. Works Cited List Jobb, Dean. Bluenose Justice: True Tales of Mischief, Mayhem and Murder. â€Å"First Blood. † (Hantsport, N. S. : Lancelot Press, 1996), pages: 135-40.Napolitano, Angelina. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. University of Toronto. 2011. http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Web. 9 Jul. 2012. American Psychological Association. â€Å"Inmate Drug Abuse Treatment Slows Prison’s Revolving Door. † American Psychological Association. 2004. http://www. apa. org/research/action/aftercare. aspx. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. â€Å"Doing The Crime And Doing The Time. † Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 2012. http://www. cbc. ca/canadavotes 2006/realitycheck/crimetime. html. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. Center on Wrongful Convictions. Claude Jones. † Northwestern University School of Law. 2006. http://www. law. northwestern. edu/cwc/issues/wrongfulexecu tions/ txjonescsummary. html. Web. 9 Jul. 2012. Correctional Service Canada. â€Å"Staff Development and the Formation of Curriculum in Prison Education. † Correctional Service Canada. 2012. http://www. csc-scc. gc. ca/text/pblct/forum/e031/e031l-eng. shtml. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. Crime Museum. â€Å"Wrongful Execution. † National Museum of Crime and Punishment. 2008. http://www. crimemuseum. org/library/execution/wrongfulExecution. html. Web. 9 Jul. 2012. Michael Bromby.Glasgow Caledonian University. â€Å"An Examination of Criminal Jury Directions in Relation to Eyewitness Identification in Commonwealth Jurisdictions. † Glasgow Caledonian University. http://gcal. academia. edu/Michael Bromby/Papers/9952/An_Examination_of_Criminal_Jury_Directions_in_Relation_to_Eyewitness_Identification_in_Commonwealth_Jurisdictions. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. Steven Duke. Yale Law School. â€Å"Eyewitness Testimony Doesn’t Make It True. † Yale Law School. 2006. http://www. l aw. yale. edu/news/2727. htm. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. ——————————————– [ 1 ].Dean Jobb, â€Å"First Blood,† in Bluenose Justice: True Tales of Mischief, Mayhem and Murder (Hantsport, N. S. : Lancelot Press, 1996), pages: 135-40. [ 2 ]. Dean Jobb, â€Å"First Blood,† in Bluenose Justice: True Tales of Mischief, Mayhem and Murder (Hantsport, N. S. : Lancelot Press, 1996), pages: 135-40. [ 3 ]. Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 4 ]. Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 5 ].Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 6 ]. Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: http://w ww. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 7 ]. Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 8 ]. Claude Jones, Center on Wrongful Convictions. http://www. law. northwestern. edu/cwc/issues/wrongfulexecutions/txjonescsummary. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. 9 ]. Claude Jones, Center on Wrongful Convictions. http://www. law. northwestern. edu/cwc/issues/wrongfulexecutions/txjonescsummary. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 10 ]. Crime Museum. http://www. crimemuseum. org/library/execution/wrongfulExecution. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 11 ]. Crime Museum. http://www. crimemuseum. org/library/execution/wrongfulExecution. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 12 ]. Crime Museum. http://www. crimemuseum. org/library/execution/wrongfulExecution. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 13 ]. Crime Museum.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Plastic Bags Should Be Banned Essay

Plastic bags are one of the most dangerous substances to our environment. It seems silly that plastic bags could do so much harm. You never would have guessed, right? Well, believe it or not, these bags contribute to environmental issues in several ways. For one, plastic bags litter the environment. Forests, rivers, lakes, and oceans are littered all over the world. Wind carries these bags everywhere. We are destroying our own planet and most people don’t even realize the harmful effects of these bags. They also overfill landfills, taking up room that can be used by other trash. Americans use over 380 billion plastic bags a year. For two, these bags kill our wildlife. They kill not only marine animals, but also animals on land. Many species are already becoming endangered as it is. These bags are adding to the death toll of animals, and it could increase their chances of being endangered, or even extinct. About one million mammals and sea birds die per year due to ingesting plastic bags. They are mistaken as food. The animals die a slow and painful death, usually by choking. 100,000 marine mammals die per year by eating these plastic bags. Lastly, these bags are made out of a substance that is called polyethylene. Polyethylene is a type of petroleum. Petroleum is a major source of our energy, such as heating, electricity, lighting, etc. About four to five trillion plastic bags are manufactured each year. We’re wasting all of this petroleum on plastic bags when it could be used for more important things, like automobile gas. The sad thing is, out of 100 trillion plastic bags, only 1% are recycled. It takes 1,000 years for plastic bags to break down, making them non-biodegradable. Burning these bags will not help either; it will only make things worse. When these bags are burned, it releases toxic fumes into the soil and the air. You may be asking, â€Å"What can I do to help?† Try switching to paper bags instead of plastic ones when you go grocery shopping. Paper bags are much better for the environment, and can be recycled more easily. If you are an animal lover, these actions that you could be taking would be saving animals around the world. Surprisingly, plastic bags have been one of the most lethal inventions of mankind. They have a major negative impact on humanity, animals, and our environment. We only have one world to live in, so more precautions should be enforced in taking care of it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

History of Industrial/Organizational Psychology Essay

Industrial/Organizational (I-O) psychology is an every growing field within psychology. The primary goal behind I-O psychology is to aid in helping organizations/companies who may have employee issues resolve them for a better working relationship between companies and the employees. I-O psychology has been evolving over the course of the last many years, by having developed a foundation, as a science, ethical principles and use of statistics. Industrial/Organizational Psychology Evolution I-O psychology began in early years of the twentieth century and was composed from a combination of science, philosophy and psychology. I-O psychology began advancing as there was growth of large corporations, growth of mass production corporations, growth of measurement and statistics, and growth of engineering developments. When I-O psychology was emerging some of its primary focus was on employee fatigue and health (Spector, 2012). Two primary founders are noted for the American I-O field; Hugo Munsterberg and Walter Dill Scott (Spector, 2012). Both Munsterberg and Scott made many contributions to the field of I-O which included applying the field of psychology to problems within businesses, advertising, writing pioneering textbooks for the field, etc (Spector, 2012). Not only was I-O evolving to help businesses, the concept was even applied to World War I in assistance to the United States and United Kingdom (Spector, 2012). A psychologist, Robert Yerkes, offered assistance to the army through I-O psychology during 1917. A primary service provided through I-O psychology for the army was creating a large-scale psychological test to aid in placing recruits in the right positions (Spector, 2012). I-O psychology continued to develop over the years. I-O psychology grew as organizations grew. More I-O psychologists were needed as organizations grew, hired more employees and began to need guidance on problems that arose. 1921 was another big year for I-O psychology as that is when Charles Myers co-founded the National Institute of Industrial Psychology and the first American Ph.D was earned by Bruce V. Moore (Spector, 2012). I-O psychology still continued evolving into 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed (Spector, 2012). The Civil Rights Act required that employer’s change their hiring methods due to discrimination laws changing and it was illegal for discrimination against minorities or women (Spector, 2012). I-O psychology continues to evolve to how it is defined in recent times. Industrial/Organizational Psychology as a Science I-O psychology created a foundation by combining industrial psychology which is the personnel aspect with organizational psychology. I-O psychology should be considered a science for several reasons. The field of I-O psychology uses similar research methods as other fields in psychology. An I-O psychologist would still begin with a question that needs an answer and perform research to aid in providing a solution to the proposed question or problem (Spector, 2012). A hypothesis is created, variables identified, and research conducted. Research is conducted through using tactics such as random assignment and random selection (Spector, 2012). Industrial/Organizational Psychology Six Ethical Principles I-O psychologists follow the six ethical principles from the American Psychological Association Code: Competence, Integrity, Professional and Scientific Responsibility, Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity, Concern for Other’s Welfare, and Social Responsibility (Spector, 2012). The primary goal for all psychologists, including those in the I-O field, is to improve the human condition (Spector, 2012). Industrial/Organizational Psychology Descriptive vs Inferential Statistics Descriptive statistics are defined as a method of reducing large amounts of data to smaller, condensed data by use of mathematics such as means or variances (Spector, 2012). Inferential statistics are defined as statistics, which allow people to make generalized conclusions based on subjects that have been studied to all people based on probabilities (Spector, 2012). The primary difference between the two types of statistics is that inferential statistics takes a small amount of data and applies it to a large group; whereas, descriptive statistics does the opposite and takes information obtained from a large group and reduces it to manageable working numbers. Conclusion Overall, I-O psychology has really grown into what it is known as today. Through its evolution, I-O psychology has had a solid foundation built on ethical principles known to all psychologists. I-O psychology has grown into a science, using statistical data to help problem solve and aid proving hypothesis true or false. I-O psychologists are of great importance to the business world and employee relations.

Futures Contracts in Risk Management Companies Can Use Trading on a US Essay

Futures Contracts in Risk Management Companies Can Use Trading on a US Exchange - Essay Example This essay not only analyzes risk strategies and types, that are present in the futures contracts and markets in the United States, but also refers these theories to the real example, such as natural rubber futures trading process in Thailand. Detailed commodity futures charts are given by the researcher on the topic of crude oil and natural gas as well as analysis of risks it may have. One such risk that was mentioned in the essay is the quantity that involves that the business restrategizes its activities so as to cover the risk. When a client hedges with futures, he or she is expected to take the opposite position that is held in a cash market. Firms holding a long cash position then sells the assets that they have, they are said to have a short hedge to protect them. On the other hand firms hold a short cash position then sells their assets to protect from upward price experience is the cash market are said to have a long hedge. In conclusion, author states that a successful futu res market requires several factors to succeed. For instance, the contract that is in trade must conform to conditions that relate to the physical market. This is likely to limit the chances of price distortion operations. Futures markets are operated so as to provide information for making manufacturing decisions. It is a necessity to have a future strategy that will last long enough to inform the market stakeholders about the risks they might face. This would enable them decisions that would protect their business interests.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

CUSTOMER FEASIBILTY ANALYSIS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CUSTOMER FEASIBILTY ANALYSIS - Research Paper Example The plan for the proposed restaurant is divided into different sections Micro –Level Market Assessment This section reveals the target market intended by the restaurant to offer its products. Family with children and tourists of all age group irrespective of their appetite are the major target customers. Macro Level Market Assessments This section illustrates the market size and growth option for the restaurant. Accordingly, the population of the region is rising at a constant speed and the number of visitors also is increasing. Hence, the market size is relatively large and there also lies greater opportunities for the restaurant to expand the business. Macro Level Industry Assessment This section postulates the food and drink industry assessment. Accordingly, the bargaining power of customers, competition, threat of substitutes, threat of new entrants and suppliers bargaining power are moderate to high in the region. Micro Level Industry Assessment This particular section de picts the financial forecast for the proposed business. Accordingly, the start-up cost for the restaurant is estimated to be ?214,000. Accordingly, for the first four months of the start-up year, it is projected that there will be no profit. However, it is expected that the restaurant will gradually start earning substantial revenue and it is projected that the total revenue of the restaurant will exceed ?2 million. Team Assessment During the early stage of its commencement, 10 skilled and competent employees will be hired. The role of each staff will be to offer quality services to the potential customers. Summary and Conclusion This section summarizes the important points revealed in the report and duly concludes the report. To sum up, it has been ascertained that the idea of starting hala restaurant is projected to be immensely beneficial for the owners and at the same time it has potential opportunity to expand the business in the long run. SECTION 2 Micro –Level Market A ssessment: Overview of Primary and Secondary Research Undertaken To start up a business, it is essential to conduct research as the basis for the business plan in order to forecast the potential sales and growth for the proposed business. Thus, in order to execute the business plan of opening a hala restaurant in Liverpool, both primary and secondary research were conducted for ascertaining the viability of the proposed business plan. Correspondingly, secondary research was conducted using industry profiles, newspapers, demographic profiles and magazines. Additionally, primary research was conducted using yellow pages to identify competitors existing in the target market. Target Market and Its Pain Identified The proposed hala restaurant intends to operate in Liverpool. This location has been chosen due to various reasons. One of the most imperative reasons for the selection of the target market is that there are not many hala restaurants operating in Liverpool. Another vital reason for choosing Liverpool as the target market can be attributed to the constant increase in the number of visitors to the city. Despite the fall in the number of travellers visiting the United Kingdom, there has been a significant increase in the number of visitors visiting Liverpool (BBC, â€Å"Liverpool Area Tourism Figures Increase†). Correspondingly, this restaurant will offer an attraction for the local population irrespective of the age or appetite. At the same time, families with school

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Civil rights Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Civil rights - Term Paper Example You get an ensurity to get involve in political and civil life. These civil rights are made for safety and ensuring the physical integrity of the person like. Beside all these facts these rights protects you from many discriminations like gender, race, nationality, age, speech, mental or physical disability and many more things. By origin civil rights are the major part of global Human Rights. These civil rights are enforceable rights and they are entertained by other people also. This right can be use when you have to take some action against an injury. Some common examples of civil rights are freedom to speech, right to vote, right to equality in public places, press, freedom from involuntary servitude and many more. Example of civil rights: The famous example of civil rights in America is â€Å"civil right act of 1964†. This civil right act was the unique mark of legislation in United States. This act is used to outlaw segregation in schools, employment places and also the public places. This civil right was first conceived to aid African Americans. In this act people also raised their voices to protect women including white people also (George H. Rutland, 2001). Role of FBI agencies in protecting civil rights: A FBI agency is made to do investigation the violation of national law of civil rights. The FBI do his duty seriously because if there is any violation in the civil laws and if any person among us looses any right then the freedom of all of us will be drawn towards danger. Activities of US commissions for enhancing civil rights: US commissions is also doing a regular work on civil rights. The main aim of US commission is to do investigation of complains that are made by people. These complaints are made because many people’s are deprived because of their voting rights on the basis of their race, religion, color, sex, citizenship, age. These complaints are taken by US commissions and then a proper action is taken to solve the problems of a common people. Center of civil rights (CRS): CRC stands for Civil Right Center. This center of civil rights is for the enforcement and administration of different Federal statues, executive orders, regulations which are related to both equal and nondiscrimination opportunities. These three laws based on equal opportunity are: 1. A forbid discrimination based on disability. This law can be specified by different public entities like local and state government. It is also enriched with the programs organized and activated by DOL. 2. A forbid discrimination on different basis of programs and activities. This also receives a financial assistance from DOL or work investment act. 3. The discrimination of forbid employment within the DOL (George H. Rutland, 2001). Benefits of EEOC in civil rights: The civil right of EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) is very much popular. This civil right holds the responsibility that every employee or job applicant must receive equal employm ent without introducing the thoughts of religion, race, sex, color, age, nationality and disability. According to this civil right discriminating against any employee is also illegal. And if any person faces this situation then he can complaint for this and you can be fined heavily for this or have to face a lawsuit. This is a very strong civil right and because of this right people in America are working equally and are enjoying equal payments. Political book: According to political book of America civil rights are considered as normal rights of human

Monday, August 26, 2019

Health insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Health insurance - Essay Example Therefore, this paper will look into a health advertisement and discuss it in its fullness. Health and health insurance as a topic is important in most people’s lives. Decisions on what the best medical policies are suitable for an individual and their families as well as what medical services are best suited for them often take center stage in planning. Therefore, companies and medical providers have the obligation to research and find out what consumers need and how effectively they can provide these needs. They have to take into consideration; the pricing, the treatment, cause of the drug as compared to its complements, then advertise it in a manner that will captivate the consumers and make them want to try it. Advertisements assure the target market of how effective the product is and how well- tested it is should be included to erase any fear of bad and severe side effects or otherwise. There is an advertisement of the Swiss drug maker, Novartis, on multiple sclerosis disease that says â€Å"Hey MS, Take This!† (Olson). The advert is about people who refuse to let the disease control their lives. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that affects the brain and the spinal cord. These parts of the body are the central and core parts that control most, if not all the other body parts. Multiple Sclerosis can affect the body hindering an individual’s perfomance as well as personal independence; thus, making them rely on assistance for the rest of their lives. The advert shows people with the Gilenya drug on their tongues that are stuck out (Olson). This shows that they are willing to fight against any disease that may want to affect their bodies neurologically or otherwise. The text â€Å"Hey MS, Take This!† (Olson). The graphics of extremely good-looking and healthy persons brings out the defiance nature that we should adopt against any condition. It is encouraging and shows a positive fighting spirit and the strength that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research skills Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Research skills - Coursework Example Moreover, it is imperative to note that, the masters’ level of learning is quite different from the predominant undergraduate studies since it is entirely research-based with a few class sessions with tutors. Thus, this provides an environment in which students need to uphold high integrity levels to be able to achieve the learning outcomes required by the end of each course, to complete the entire programme successfully. Maritime and Logistics courses are basically experience-based courses in which more experimental learning is desired as opposed to classroom learning. Therefore, it involves more of out of class sessions in which problems under discussion are encountered in the field at first-hand experience before problem solving techniques are applied to help students come up with the required skills in order to fulfil the learning outcomes (Chavan, 2011). Thus, it is not naturally easy for every student who has enrolled in this particular programme to find it easy; some students encounter a lot of challenges in tackling this course primarily due to some factors affecting them, which range from the new environment in the university to the mode of learning (Barman, HeÃŒ bert and Mccas kill, 2006). Before enrolling in any particular course, one needs to possess a number of competencies to fulfil course requirements. The author in line with obtaining a Masters in Maritime Operations, had a number of competencies that made him an ideal candidate to be granted a chance by the university to pursue the course (University of Nottingham, 2014). Rational thinking is one of the most sought after skill in any professional course because students who possess the ability will be able to solve complex problems on their own without much supervision from instructors (Chisholm, 2005). The masters’ level of education is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What are the effects of a new experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What are the effects of a new experience - Essay Example This paper discusses some of the effects of experience. New experiences alter an individual’s concepts about the subject of experience. Let’s examine the case from the perspective of a child. Children are brave because they have no knowledge of the dangers associated with things like plugs. A child would be less than half as reluctant as an adult to intrude his finger into a plug turned on because he does not know that it can hurt. However, when the child has had an experience of being hurt by an electric shock upon the intrusion of finger into the plug at least once, he would remember for the next time the potential danger associated with the act, and would become just as reluctant to do the act in the future as an adult, because the two would have, at this stage, gained the same amount of knowledge about the dangers of electricity. From this example, it can be estimated that experiences shape an individual’s approach towards different matters of life. The chang ed perception tells an individual what course of action should be adopted in similar circumstances in the future.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Agricultural marketing system Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Agricultural marketing system - Term Paper Example re of related to proper financial counseling and training in agricultural economics, management requires time dedication and ability for an employee to keenly understand the issue of marketing majoring in agricultural field of practice (Martin, 1991, p. 53). In order to gain from agricultural input supplies, the organization should not only sell the products but also train the users on how best to hold and use the specified products supplied. However, being a business oriented organization, it is better to stock supplies that contain the products that are required (Prasad, 2005, p. 15). Until this time, I had never realized any complication being that It is not connected to the internet to reduce products costs globally. In the food industry, the key challenge that most people face is lack of adequate food preservation equipment. However, food stuffs are getting more expensive hence high living standards within the same city (Meulenberg, 1995, p. 46). In order to come up with genuine work you have to be able to communicate your ideas, through the numerous struggles. Organizations like world food program should be encouraged as they create conducive atmosphere for most of the products. Through proper record keeping the system intermediaries are likely to assist in establishment (Martin, 1991, p. 39). The module covered the retailers in food and agribusiness, through an amicable way all the workers are supposed to be engaged in service industry (Prasad, 2005, p. 34). Through some commitment it would be unable to travel home with a perception that it is wise not to attend to the daily chores as the customers who are unable to access goods and services from the local pubic would benefit from the any function (Meulenberg, 1995, p.48). Being a busy day full of cookery and the kind and nature of products that are likely to be sold to traders who are likely to retain links, it is not possible to have everybody resting on such an occasion that requires services from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Thomas Hobbes Leviathan - Essay Example This essay stresses that coping with the state of nature for both the artificial and natural human requires adaptability in coping with interactional challenges, in addition to moral challenges. Nature is considered sovereign as it is the art of God’s creation and governing of the world. Interaction with nature, therefore, requires some adaptability and coping skills for both the natural and artificial man. The artificial and the natural humans must adhere to certain conditions provided by the natural law for easier interaction and/or coping. Hobbes describes the artificial human or commonwealth as sovereign over the natural man, contrary to the fact that the natural man is considered sovereign over other artificial things. This paper makes a conclusion that the statement is misguiding due to the clear relationship between the divine, civil and natural laws. The natural law is all-inclusive to the human species, with God as the sovereign power or authority. The moral law of nature provides the human with character transformation and adaptability, happiness, virtues, and the imperatives and moral obligation of good and evil, for the good of the human. Hence, there is a clear difference and distinction between natural justice and the legal conventions of both the natural and artificial man. The critics to Hobbes’ work, such as Gauthier, are a clear indication of the discrepancies and contradictions in his work, and lack reliable evidence to support his conclusions and perceptions on the natural law.

Marketing Mix Essay Example for Free

Marketing Mix Essay Introduction Companies today try their best to continue to keep up with the changes of services, products and technology. Companies rely on their abilities in marketing to keep consumers interested in their products and services. The success of a company may rely on the company’s marketing performance. Marketing planning starts by thinking of the targeted audience needs, strategies, and the development of the products and or service needed. Developing a marketing strategy will consist of the marketing mix. The marketing mix is â€Å"the strategic plan that defines the company’s overall mission and objectives†. (Armstrong Kotler, 2011) Sprint will be used as an example as to how they implement the marketing mix to their company. Sprint’s overall mission and objective is â€Å"To be No. 1 in providing a simple, instant, enriching and productive customer experience†. (Sprint, 2012) The marketing mix includes the four Ps (elements) of marketing. The four Ps are product, place, pricing, and promotion. To better explain how the four Ps work in a company we will see how Sprint applies the four Ps to their company. Frist P Element: Products Sprint is constantly trying to keep up with the technology changes to ensure customer satisfaction. â€Å"Sprint is one of the premier wireless providers for smart phones in the US†. (Sprint, 2012) Sprint cells top of the line phones and phone services for residential customers as well as business customers. Sprint is not limited to just new products or service, but to enhance products or services that are already established as well. Marketer’s decisions on products are based on the nature of what the customer’s needs are. For Sprint to make sure they are listening to their customers and to know what their needs are they have blogs and chatting sessions on their website where everyone from customers to employees can share their comments, ideas, suggestions and opinions about improving products and services that are already established. Improvements can consist of phones to be able to handle more information or new technology added to the phones. Improvements can also be as simple as color or size. Decisions on products are also by the targeted customer (younger=texting abilities, older=tracking system for their children, oldest=being able to see the numbers on the key pad). Improvements may also be a wider range of service accessibility for fewer calls dropped. Second P Element: Place Where can Sprint be accessible to their targeted audience? Sprint makes themselves available through their website, kiosks in malls, as well as local Sprint stores. All places provide the phones and services needed. Not only regular customers are targeted, businesses are targeted as well. Sprint offers plans for businesses which provide packages which consist of several phones on one plan. The business plans are specifically designed to make it easier to conduct daily business transactions. The store supplies physical one-on-one people for those customers who prefer the person-to-person interaction. The store also provides a hands-on scenario where customers are free to look at the phones and see what they look, sound and feel like. The store provides a comfortable opportunity for the customers to make a personal educated choice. On the other hand, Sprint also provides their website. Sprint’s website provides a wider range of phone choices (new and used), wide range of services (phone service, wireless service, etc.) and for customers that need to ask question, Sprint provides online help (chat session, contact numbers, website links). The kiosk is just a convenience catcher. It is in a mall in hopes that a passing by customer will catch a glimpse of the products and be curious enough to stop, ask questions and possibly purchase a product on their way to another store. The store, website and kiosk are designed to give the customers all the tools and information needed to make the best choice for their personal or business needs. Sprint prides itself to making sure all their bases are covered and provides total accessibility to their customers in order to provide them with quick and convenient service available. In marketing a place is also known as the warehouse where, in this case, Sprint houses their phones for distribution so it is available for its customers. Third P Element: Pricing Pricing is a crucial part of the four Ps. Price is also considered a flexible marketing mix element. Marketers must consider the research, development, and services when pricing. In addition, marketers have to think about the how their company will price their products and services based on how much they will spend on fabrication and how competitors are pricing the same products and services. Customers are an important thought in the pricing process as well because they are the ones that are going to produce the revenue for the company. Marketers are also at the mercy of the economy; they will have to price low enough to get a good number of customers and gain a profit, but no low enough that they will get financially hurt in the process. Producing the right or good price for products and or services a company might have to consider redesigning products and services that may already exist. Sprint might offer better phones at a lower service plan or a better service with less expensive plan. Many times Sprint offers free phones to get new customers to purchase their service plan. Customers are given several options so that they do not feel like they are trapped picking a plan that does not accommodate their needs. Fourth P Element: Promotion The last element is promotion. â€Å"Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it†.(Armstrong Kotler, 2011) This element is the one that helps with enticing the customers to buy their products and services. Promotions are done in numerous ways. Ways of promotion may include, but are not limited to, deals, rebates, discounts and internet sales. â€Å"Deals are short-term price reductions, commonly used to increase trial among potential customers or to retaliate against a competitor’s action†. (Kerin, Hartley Rudelius, 2011) Deals and discounts are a very common way of promotion. Almost all retailers use deals in order to bring in existing, as well as, new customers. Sprint sometimes will have deals where you can add a particular feature to your phone service; like texting. These deals go on for a particular amount of time just so you can try it for a discounted price in hopes to get you to purchase the feature. One common promotion that Sprint offers is rebates. Sprint gives out rebate promotions on some of their phones. A rebate, for example, is when a phone is purchased and the company (like Sprint) is willing to give you a portion or all of the money you paid for the phone for using their service. You will not be able to buy a phone without the service in order to get the rebate. At times the rebate is given when trying a new phone that they are piloting. Internet promotions are another way of getting people to buy products and services. Although Sprint is over both the store and the websites, they were able to provide in store special promotions that customers were not able to receive online. The same went for their website; they were able to provide online specials that were not given in the store. Most of the time the promotions were on phones; customers were able to purchase phones with a special on service or customers were able to purchase phones that have been refurbished or used. These particular internet promotions were not available if the customer went to the store and said that they saw the promotion online and ask if the store would honor it. Unfortunately, the answer to the customer’s question would be no. Conclusion The four Ps serve as the four main parts of the marketing mix. As shown each one of them has an individual function. Each element is equally important on its own as well as a whole of the marketing mix. All of the elements are an effective part of a successful combination. The combination consists of reaching the customer’s needs and wants and the company’s ability to produce revenue and profits. The four P elements of the marketing mix is one of the most crucial parts of a company’s marketing today and it proves to be a bit complicated at times. At times, not all customers will be satisfied and the company might suffer a loss but the ultimate goal is to be successful by any means using the help of the four Ps. References Armstrong, G. Kotler, P. (2011). Marketing: An Introduction. (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Kerin, R. A., Hartley, S. W. Rudelius, W. (2011). Marketing (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGrawHill (2012) About Sprint. Retrieved on December 20, 2012 from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Air Asia Marketing Analysis

Air Asia Marketing Analysis Airlines offer air transport services for passengers or cargo, normally with a recognized operating license. Airlines have leased or owned aircraft with which to supply these services. Airlines may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for common benefit. Airlines differ from those with a single aircraft carrying mail or freight, through full-service international airlines operating hundreds of aircraft. Airlines can be classified as being intercontinental, intra continental, domestic, or international and may be operated as planned services or charters. Many countries have national airlines that are owned and operated by the government. Private airlines are under government regulation for economic, political, and safety issues. For example, governments often interfere to stop airline labor actions in order to guard the free flow of people, communications, and goods between different regions without compromising safety. Some countries have deregulated or start deregulating their Airlines, for example The United States, Australia, and to a smaller extent Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Japan. Because of deregulation, airlines have been largely free to negotiate their own operating arrangements with different airports, enter and exit routes easily, and to levy airfares and supply flights according to market demand. In a deregulated market, the entry barriers for new airlines are lower, so it creates greater competition and average fares tend to drop 20% or more. The competition, together with pricing freedom, means that new entrants often take market share with highly cheap rates that, to a limited degree, full service airlines must match. This is a main limitation on profitability for established carriers, which tend to have a higher cost base. Consequently profitability in a deregulated market is irregular for most airlines. These factors have caused some key airlines to go out of business, in addition to most of the poorly established new entrants. INTRODUCTION TO AIRASIA The world leading low fare airline in the Asia, Air Asia has been growing rapidly since 2001, to become an award winning and the major low cost carrier in Asia. AirAsia was founded by a government-owned conglomerate DRB-Hicom in 1993. On 2 December 2001, former Time Warner executive Tony Fernandess company Tune Air Sdn Bhd purchased the heavily-indebted airline for the token sum of one ringgit. Fernandes advanced to engineer an outstanding spin, turning a profit in 2002 and introducing new routes from its hub in Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Air Asia believes in the no-frills, hassle-free, low fare business idea and feels that keeping costs low needs high efficiency in every part of the business. Efficiency generates savings which are then passed on to customers so that inexpensive air travel can become a reality. Through its idea of Now Everyone Can Fly, Air Asia has introduced a revolution in air travel with more and more people around the region choosing Air Asia as their preferred choice of transport. The total AirAsia fleet (including Thai AirAsia, AirAsia X and Indonesia AirAsia) consists of the following aircraft as of 14 July 2010 STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENTS AirAsia opened a 2nd hub in 2003 at Senai International Airport in Johor Bahru near Singapore and started its 1st international flight to Bangkok . In January 2004, airasia began its first international service from KL to Phuket in Thailand. In 2006 A new budget terminals, the 1st of its kind in Asia was opened in Kuala Lumpur International Airport. AirAsia is presently the largest customer of the Airbus A320.[4] The company has placed an order of 175 units of the Airbus A320 plane to service its routes and at least 50 of these will be ready by 2013. Tony Fernandes (CEO) announced a five-year plan on 27 December 2006, to further improve its existence in Asia.[5] In the plan, AirAsia will build up and improve its route network by linking all the existing cities in the region and expanding further into Indochina, Indonesia, Southern China (Kun Ming, Xiamen, Shenzen) and India. AirAsia declared a three-year partnership on 5 April 2007, with the British Formula One team ATT Williams. The airline brand is displayed on the helmets of Nico Rosberg and Alexander Wurz, and on the bargeboards and nose of the cars.[6] On 27 September 2008, AirAsia has on its list 106 new routes to be added to its current list of 60 over the next few years [7] SUBSIDIARIES Notes Thai AirAsia Established on 8 December 2003 as joint venture with Shin Corporation Indonesia AirAsia AirAsia acquired the then Non-operational Awair in 2004 with a 49% stake in the airline. Full rebranding to Indonesia AirAsia was completed on 1 December 2005. VietJet AirAsia AirAsia announced On February 2010 that it has purchased a 30% stake in VietJet and changed the name to VietJet AirAsia. AirAsia RetTix AirAsia launched their new event ticketing system called AirAsia RedTix On March 20, 2010, targeting on non-airline flight tickets such as events, sports, and music. Associate Companies AirAsia X: It is a service operated by AirAsia X Sdn. Bhd. as a franchise of AirAsia. It offers long-haul services from Kuala Lumpur to Australia and China using an Airbus A330-300. Tune Hotels: Tune is a hotel chain established by AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes. Presently it has hotels in operation in Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, Penang, Sepang and Bali. Tune Money: It is Asias first no-frills online financial services portal. Same as Virgin Money, it includes life, home and motor vehicle insurance as well as prepaid credit cards. PORTERS FIVE FORCES To asses the attractiveness and identifying the sources of competition for Airline industry we use porters five forces model. 1. Threat of new Entrants in Airline Industry The extent of barriers to entry depends on following factors:- Deregulation: Some countries have deregulated or start deregulating their Airlines, for example The United States, Australia, and to a smaller extent Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Japan. In a deregulated market the entry barriers for new entrants are lower. Capital Requirement: Setting up airline business requires huge investment. The cost of setting up of offices, leasing or buying aircraft, hiring pilots and other staffs incur a high cost. Thus, the threat is low for the industry. Switching costs: In airline industry customers do not need to spend more on switching to another airline. The price would not be extremely significant in differences, which it depends on the accessibility of competitors services and suitability of the flight time that prompts them to switch. So low switching cost attracts new entrants. 2. Rivalry among existing firms Fixed cost: In airline industry fixed cost are high, for example finance cost, lease cost, and staff costs. To cover these fixed costs airline companies have to gain more market share. In doing that, constant price reduction is done by them to compete with others. Thus, the rivalry is strong. Customers easily switch: In airline industry customers priority is to look at price and flight schedule that suits them the best when buying air tickets. The main purpose of using the services is to get to the destination planned. Customers can switch to other airline easily that makes the industry competitive. Similar Products: As discussed earlier, the main purpose of using airline services is to reach the destination. Every airline is providing similar services to customers. So it makes the industry highly competitive. Excess Capacity: presently there has been excess capacity on many routes; as a result, airlines have to participate in price wars in order to attract customers at all costs. 3. Threat of Substitute products No doubt Airline is the fastest way to travel from one destination to another thus there is no Perfect Substitute available. However, taking into consideration Domestic Airlines, there are options available to the customers like by-road and train arrangements but again time consumption and convenience are the reasons which discourage customers to adopt any one of these two options. Price of Air Travel however is a hurdle which let customers to think to take other available options. International Airlines have a very less or no threat regarding other options. 4. Bargaining power of buyers Internet technology resulted in increasing the bargaining power of buyer. Because the buyers are now able to compare the prices more easily and in view of no switching costs, they could choose whichever airline offers a low price. Thus the buyers may be able to influence the airlines to reduce their prices. 5. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Number of suppliers: The suppliers for airlines are fuel suppliers, foods suppliers, merchandise suppliers, and aircraft suppliers. There are few suppliers in the market for aircrafts; the companies are either Airbus or Boeing. So the power of supplier is strong. High switching costs: AirAsia use Airbus models aircraft. In the past it was using Boeing models, which they lease it and later they replaced Boeing models with Airbus. If Airasia change to Boeing again, then the cost will be high, because training cost for staff to go well with the aircraft features must be offered. Other than that, the technology used by Airbus is the most advanced, so Airasia have to rely on the Airbus model. Thus, bargaining power of suppliers is strong. SWOT ANALYSIS The purpose of this analysis is identifying external factors (opportunities and threats) and internal factors (strengths and weakness) that AirAsia needs to consider in achieving its goals and objectives to be low cost carrier in the airline industry. The strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats for AirAsia are as follow: Strengths Single aircraft type: AirAsia operates a single type of aircraft, the airbus model. (It switched from Boeing 737s in 2005) A single aircraft type offers economies in purchasing, pilot training, maintenance and aircraft utilization. Direct Sales: AirAsia engages in direct sales through its web site and call center. As a result it avoids paying commissions to middlemen. A direct sale has reduced AirAsias dependency on outside resources for its revenue. Direct contact with customers provides an opportunity to keep up to date of their expectations and solve their problems on time. Strong management team: This is the strength of AirAsia that it has a very strong management team that consists of industry experts and ex-government officials. For example, Shin Corporation (formerly owned by the family of former Thai Prime Minister- Thaksin Shinawatra) holds a 50% stake in Thai AirAsia. This has facilitated AirAsia to start up and capture significant market share in Thailand. Well established Brand: AirAsias partnership with other service providers such as hotels, hospitals (medical tourism), car rental firms, Citibank (AirAsia Citibank card) has created a very unique picture among travelers. AirAsias local presence in countries such as Indonesia (Indonesia AirAsia) and Thailand (Thai AirAsia) has effectively elevated the brand to become a regional brand. Their links with ATT Williams Formula One team and Manchester United (one of the worlds most famous football teams) have further improved their image to a greater extend beyond just Asia. Weaknesses At start, it may be a good strategy for AirAsia not to have its own maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities. But now with hubs in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia and 97 planes currently owned and over 100 planes to be received in the next few years, AirAsia have to make sure proper and continuous maintenance of the planes which will also help to keep the overall costs low. It is becoming disadvantage not to have its own repair maintenance facilities. Opportunities Increase in oil price: Increase in oil price may become an opportunity for AirAsia, being a low cost carrier; AirAsia has an upper hand because its cost will be still the lowest among others. Thus it has a great opportunity to capture some of the existing customers of full service and other low cost airlines customers. Partnership with other LCC: AirAsia can partnership with other low cost operators such as virgin to tap into their existing strengths or competitive advantages like brand name, landing rights and landing slots. Population: Population of Asian middle class is increasing. It will be 700 million by the end of 2010. This creates an excellent opportunity and huge market for all low cost carriers in this region including AirAsia. New destinations: AirAsia has strong presence in Asian region. Currently they are operating from three countries Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and covering several destinations in China, India, Sri-lanka etc. but still most parts of these countries are under served. So AirAsia can add more destinations. Threats Uncontrollable costs: Certain charges like landing charges, security charges and departure charges are beyond the control of airline operators. This is a threat to all airlines especially low cost airlines that tries to keep their cost as low as possible. New entrants: AirAsias profit margin has attracted many competitors. A good number of the full service airlines have or planning to create a low cost subsidiary to compete with AirAsia and other low cost carriers. For example, Singapore Airlines has created a low cost carrier Tiger Airways. Terrorism: Terrorism is affecting tourism and confidence in the airlines. It might happen in many ways of terrorism either in certain countries or it might happen in the plane itself. If there is terrorism happen in the area where AirAsia operates, it results in stopping their flights to ensure safety of passengers as well as the plane. Negative perceptions: Passengers have some negative perception about low cost carriers. One common perception is that they may compromise safety to keep costs low. AVAILABLE STRATEGIES FOR AIRASIA There are three strategies that Air Asia can follow in order to be a major player in the Low Cost Carrier market. These strategies are Diversification (substantive growth strategy), market penetration and market development (limited growth strategies). Diversification There are kinds of diversification such as horizontal, vertical integration, and conglomeration. Ansoff Matrix source: In horizontal diversification, the company developed activities that are directly complementary to a companys present activities. AirAsia has done horizontal diversification when entering into Indonesian market by partnering with Awair, which is an Indonesian airline. The partnering with Awair helps AirAsia to understand the condition of local market, so the company will have direction on how to enter and survive in the market by the help of an experienced partner (Awair). AirAsia has done vertical diversification as well, for example it is selling flight tickets without the help of agents through its own website and call centre. Through unrelated diversification (conglomeration), AirAsia might spread risk if suddenly airline industry is having difficulties and have elevated profit opportunity from the new business. But, to establish new business, open up a new company, strong management and financial ability is required to make it successful, but if it is not successful, it might create unbalanced circumstances for Air Asia because of loss of money and resources. Market Penetration In Market Penetration company will not introduce new products. It will go with the same products in the same market. The way to gain more market share with the same product is to attract competitors customers and get more loyal customers by marketing. Market Penetration will not cost as much as Diversification. AirAsia can peruse this strategy by using marketing budget and using the existing marketing department. Market Development Another strategy that AirAsia can pursue is Market Development. Market development is the strategy to sell the same product in new market. For example Air Asia can open up new routes to other places than the existing routes. Opening up more routes is going to be advantages, but it costs more than doing market penetration because more aircrafts and pilots will be needed. AIRASIA RESOURCES EVALUATION In order to implement a strategy AirAsia has to evaluate the resources because if the resources are not enough, the implementation will not be maximized and there will be possibility that the strategy will fail. There are resources to be evaluated before choosing a strategy, such as budgets, human resources, and network analysis. For diversification huge investment is required, because the company might have to build a factory or buy/rent new premises. The company might have to recruit new employees who have knowledge about the new business. Market penetration and market development strategies require less money as compared to diversification strategy. Market penetration and market development strategies only grow existing resources to get more profit or bigger market share, and usually the budget for these strategies are mostly taken from marketing budget. Now a days LCC market is becoming very competitive. Its profit margins attract many new competitors. As I discussed above, a good number of the full service airlines have or planning to create a low cost subsidiary to compete with Air Asia. In this situation AirAsia should not think about diversification. It should only focus on airline business. So strategies like market development and market penetration will be preferred at the moment. POSSIBLE FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR AIRASIA AirAsia have to pursue limited growth strategies such as market penetration and market development in the future. These strategies work a lot for AirAsia in order stay competitive in LCC market. Many new competitors like Tiger Airways directly threatening its market share. So at present AirAsia needs to increase its brand image and get more loyal customers. Air Asia can increase its brand image by promoting low-priced, on time and safe traveling experience campaign. As I discussed above people have negative perception about LCC. People think that LCC may compromise safety to keep cost low. So in promotions AirAsia should try to change these negative perceptions. Advertisements on television are expensive but effective to increase the brand image, so Air Asia may advertise on the television. Ads on Channels like BBC, National Geographic will work a lot. To help reduce the cost, advertisement time may be made shorter and advertisements may not be aired very frequently. The best time for AirAsia Ads is during holidays when people are thinking to go on traveling. There are upcoming sports events like 2011 Cricket World Cup in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and 2012 Olympics in London. By sponsoring these events AirAsia can further improve its image. AirAsia has strong presence in Asian region as compared to other low cost carriers. Currently they are operating from three countries Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia and covering several destinations in China, India, Sri-Lanka etc. but still most parts of these countries are under served. AirAsia alone dont have capacity to cover this whole region. So partnership with some other airlines is required at this stage. Partnership with Virgin Airline will provide great opportunity to expand its business in Asia as well as in other parts of the world. RECOMMENATIONS AirAsia has strong position in Asian market. Now a day Asian low cost carrier market is becoming very competitive. To keep stronger position in the market AirAsia has to adopt combination of market penetration and market development strategies. As we know AirAsia has strong management team, which will surly make these strategies successful. AirAsia has some weaknesses but these do not seem to be very dangerous. Rising fuel prices have made operational costs high for the whole industry. However these high operational costs means companies with fewer profit margins than AirAsia may become unneeded in the future thus, opening up customer bases previously not available to AirAsia. Middle income earners are increasing specially in china and India; there is much talent for AirAsia to expand its routes. AirAsia engages in direct sale through web site and call center. It should be very careful that problems with internet can seriously damage their business. REFERENCES Orders, Deliveries and Operational Asia Pacific. January 2010. Retrieved 9 February 2010. Leong Hung Yee (27 December 2006). AirAsia embarks on 2nd chapter. The Star. AirAsia sponsors the Formula One team Williams AirAsia unleashes its X-factor

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Health Risks of Smoking Cigarettes Essay -- Smoking Health Lung C

The Health Risks of Smoking According to Global Smoking Statistics, 80,000 and 100,000 youths start smoking everyday. Smoking is everywhere, in shops, restaurants and malls. Smoking can be controlled if the right steps are taken. If you walked around downtown Fort Collins, the odds are good that you will encounter a smoker. The negative effects of smoking outweigh the positive effects of smoking yet people still do it. There are ways to quit that can make your life better if you smoke. Smoking goes back to 1492 when Christopher Columbus first stepped onto the plains of the new world. Native Americans chewed and inhaled a specific type of leaf, using a â€Å"toboca† pipe to inhale the foreign leaf. It soon became a treasure for the Europeans, after Christopher discovered this new creation. Cigarettes did not become popular until the 1880s, nor were they available. People just used pipes and cigars. When, according to Smoking, James B. Duke developed a way to mass produce cigarettes, making them cheaper and milder. This created an increase in popularity and between 1870 and 1890 the usage increased 100 times what is was before. The health risks of smoking are that it causes Lung cancer and in 1992 there were 161,000 new cases of lung cancer and 143,000 deaths according to Tobacco and Smoking, 1998. The duration and amount smoked determines the risk of getting lung cancer. Men or women who smoke forty cigarettes a day, compared to those who smoke twenty a day, have twice the risk as getting lung cancer. Those who start smoking before 15 are four times more likely to get lung cancer than those who begin after twenty-five. It also causes Cardiovascular Disease. Smokers, male and female, are at a higher risk to get recurrent heart attacks, sudden death from coronary heart disease and myocardial infection than nonsmokers. The increase is two to four times the amount than nonsmokers. Cigarettes cause an addiction. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug. It is the nicotine that is in tobacco that makes cigarettes so addicting. A 1991 editorial in the Lancet, from the book Tobacco and Smoking on page 33 says: The core of the problem lies in the addictiveness of nicotine. It is nicotine that people cannot easily do without, not tobacco; it is nicotine dependence that slows the progress of existing programmes. As a drug deliver system the modern cigarette is a highly e... ...all the ingredients as mainstream smoke and is just as deadly. Smoking is everywhere and will continue to be all around us. We can ignore it or take action. One less person smoking means that there is that much less smoke in the air. With all the new smokers, a plan has to be set in place, either creating more ads or finding accurate facts. Unless smoking dissolves from the face of the earth, there will still be people â€Å"killing themselves.† Since smoking causes lung cancer, bad after effects and other problems, the need for elimination is even higher. If you smoke than you probably know it is hard to quit, but with the right resources and the motivation to quit, the United States will be a more â€Å"breathable† place to live. Citations Anonymous. More about second hand smoke. 2004. 11/02/04. . Anonymous. Secondhand Smoke. 2004. 11/02/04. . Anonymous. Tobacco and Smoking. Ed. Bruno Leone. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, Inc. , 1998. Grannis, MD, Frederic W.. The Lung Cancer and Cigarette Smoking Web Page. 2004. 10/28/04. . Martin, Terry. Global Smoking Statistics. 2002. 11/01/04. . Torr, James D. Smoking. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, Inc. , 2001.

Monday, August 19, 2019

D.H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers Essay -- Lawrence Sons and Lovers Essa

D. H. Lawrence is considered one of the Twentieth Century's greatest and most visionary English novelists. He was born in 1885 in Eastwood, a mining community in Nottinghamshire, England (DeMott iii). His father was an uneducated miner and his mother had been a schoolteacher before she married. According to England's rigid class system, his mother's marriage to his father was considered a step down, since she came from a well-educated middle-class family. Thus the vast differences between his parents was cause for "the fabric of his parents' marriage [to be] ripped by bitterness, violence and hate" (DeMott vii). Lawrence's first great novel, Sons and Lovers, is clearly autobiographical: "there's no denying the closeness of the resemblance between Paul Morel's life and that of his creator" (DeMott vii). The novel tells the story of Gertrude Morel, a mother whose possessive love for her sons hinders their ability to establish fulfilling relationships with other women. Lawrence himself had an unusually close attachment to his mother. The novel also depicts the working class of England at the turn of the century, when industrialism was rearing its ugly head and was creeping upon the English countryside. Set in a town similar to the one where he was born, Sons and Lovers gives a detailed and realistic portrayal of the hardships and conflicts of the Morels, a mining family. Gertrude Morel, the character based on Lawrence's mother, has married below her station; she is a religious woman who is serious and believes in hard work and adherence to a strict code of morals (3). She is unhappy and disillusioned with the lower-class mining-family lifestyle and is "sick of it, the struggle with ... ...ious that Lawrence preferred the agrarian England as opposed to the dehumanizing and mechanized modern world. Lawrence addresses "the human costs" of an industrialized society in Sons and Lovers and many of his other works, including his infamous Lady Chatterly's Lover (DeMott viii). Industrial British society has turned away from its agrarian roots and is destroying England, and the old way of life is seen as much more vibrant and complete. Lawrence, a genius in his own time, prophesied "that the West is on a disaster course and that all of us must change our lives" before we destroy the beauty of our world, and in the process destroy our own souls (DeMott viii). Works Cited DeMott, Benjamin. Introduction. Sons and Lovers. By D.H. Lawrence. New York: Penguin Books, 1985. Lawrence, D.H. Sons and Lovers. New York: Penguin Books, 1985.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Prejudice :: essays research papers

Prejudice In Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The world that we live in today, although improving, is tainted with cruelty and hatred toward different races. Personally, I have never considered myself to be racist. Growing up attending predominately white catholic schools, though, really sheltered me from any type of diversity. Between first and twelfth grade, I could count on one hand how many African-Americans I knew. Living in a society like this, I had a tremendous culture shock upon enrolling at the University of Cincinnati. I have now realized that when making judgments on people, you need to do so with closed eyes, blocking out any types of stereotypes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon coming to the University of Cincinnati, I knew that it would be a dramatic change to be around such a diverse group of people, but I never expected what was coming up next. While checking in at the front desk of my dorm, I noticed there were two names on my room assignment that I didn’t recognize. While unpacking my clothes, the door opens and my other two roommates, which happened to be black, walked in. at first I felt a little uncomfortable, but I was alright because I still had three of my friend moving in soon. As I talked to my two new roommates, I found out that they both went to inner-city schools within ten minutes of mine. As the day went on and I kept getting to know them, we began to get along better. I now consider them to be two my best friends here. This experience has taught me to never judge a book by its cover.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Whether it is from watching B.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

President Roosevelt’s Goals

Upon his election to deliver the New Deal, an unprecedented number of reforms addressing the catastrophic effects of the Great Depression, Roosevelt felt it was the federal government's duty to help the American people weather these bad times. His first duty as president was to declare a four-day bank Holiday, during which time congress drafted the Emergency Banking Bill of 1933, which stabilized the Banking ystem.This restored faith in the Banking systems for the people. Three months later he signed the Glass-Steagall Act, which created the FDIC, federally insuring deposits. The Civil Conservation Corps was one of the New Deal's most successful programs. It addressed the pressing problem of unemployment sending millions of men to the Nations' forests to work. The Works Progress Administration program; Roosevelt's major work program, would employ 8. 5 million Americans to build airports, parks, ridges, etc.Other programs included were, The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and The National Recovery Administration (NRA) were created to help unemployment. The Federal Emergency Relief Program (FERA) gave 3 million to states for work relief programs. The Agricultural Act subsidized farmers for reducing crops and provided loans for farmers facing bankruptcy. The Home Owner's loan Corporation (HOLC) helped people save their homes from foreclosure. The Deal Programs did not end theGreat Depression, they did however help Americans by taking care of their basic needs and giving them the dignity of work and hope. President Roosevelt not only got the American people a start in the Great Depression but he would go on to pass a few more important deal programs. The Wagner Act, one of the most important pieces of labor legislation in History. It supported the rights of working class Americans, guaranteeing workers' the right to organize Unions and bargaining with management. Then there was the SocialSecurity Act in 1935 proposed by Roosevelt. This Act has proved to be the most significant and far-reaching of all the New Deal initiatives. The Social Security Act was to help those who were disabled, blind, or elder. The New Social Security tax took money right out of worker's pockets and placed it into a retirement trust fund, exacerbating the shrinking money supply that was one of the main causes of the Great Depression. President Roosevelt created another major bill called the Revenue Act, it raised taxes on annual income above $50,000.Estate and Gift taxes also rose as did the corporate tax rate. This caused an uproar among businessmen and conservatives, who were fuming at Roosevelt saying he was moving dangerously into a radical direction. Roosevelt countered by stressing he had no love for socialism. Roosevelt steered a zigzag course between the extremes of unregulated Capitalism and socialism. The Greatest failure of the New Deal was its inability to restore economic regulatory powers of t federal welfare system.Roosevelt was no socialist, he sought o preserve the basic capitalist structures. The New Deal represented a â€Å"halfway revolution† that altered the Nation's social and political landscape. President Roosevelt had three main goals while in office, to provide assistance to millions of needy Americans, to improve the level of the Economy, and to pass laws that would eradicate poverty and unemployment. People called this the Three R's; Recovery, Relief, and Reform. Due to his dedication to save America from the Great Depression we today can live a better life.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Comment on Shakespeare’s portrayal of Othello

In Shakespeare's time black people were classed as second-class citizens. They were often looked at as devil-like and evil. This was, however, a stereotypical view, often accepted by the people of Shakespeare's day. People looked at the Bible to show that black people were devil-like and evil. The Bible tells the story of Noah and the Ark. In the Ark it was forbidden to have children, as there would not be enough food. However, Ham, one of Noah's sons, decided to disobey these rules, as he wanted to have the son who would be ruler of the world. When Noah found out and they returned to land, Noah banished Ham to Africa. Ham had committed sin and was evil and devil-like because he had disobeyed his father for his own self-interest, risking the lives of others in the Ark. As black people were said to have originated form Africa, where Ham was banished, they could be descendants of Ham, who was evil, and therefore black people were evil and devil-like too. Black people were also said to be over-sexed, unstable, irrational, suffer from fits, and be devil-like. In the prejudiced mind, Shakespeare presents Othello to match all of these stereotypical categories that black people were said to be. People with an open mind, however, can simply see that Othello is a man in love. In Act 4, Scene 1, line 40, Othello has a fit. This matches with the stereotypical view that back people have fits. However, Othello has a fit because he was in a rage. The reason being that he had become so disturbed by the stories of his beloved wife having been unfaithful. It is possible for anyone, white or black, to have a fit if they were as distressed as Othello was. Othello may be seen as over-sexed. He talks in a very passionate manner. Shakespeare presents Othello to have a glorified situation of his and Desdemona's affection for each other. It is more likely; therefore, that Othello is infatuated in their love than over-sexed. The depth of his passionate language, in which you can see that his love is more than a hallucination, is shown throughout the beginning of the play. â€Å"Amen to that, sweet powers/ cannot speak enough of this content/ it stops me here: it is too much joy†(II i 188). Othello declares this after he and Desdemona are reunited after their journey to Cyprus. Othello is talking passionately to Desdemona, however, this does not immediately prove him of being over-sexed, it shows the love he is sharing with Desdemona. Othello could be seen as irrational when he kills Desdemona by smothering her, Act 5, Scene 2, and Line 85. Iago, however, is far more irrational then Othello ever could have be seen to be and Iago is white. Iago's irrationality can be seen in one of his soliloquies. † I'll have our Michael Cassio on the hip, / Abuse him to the Moor in the rank garb-/ For I fear Cassio with my night cap too-â€Å"(II i 286-288). Here Iago is saying how he believes his wife has been sleeping with Cassio, of which he has no verification. He says in effect that he wants Cassio dead. This shows Iago's irrationality because he has no reason to have Cassio dead, or to even contemplate that he has slept with his wife. Iago provokes many deaths, without remorse, which shows that he has extreme irrationality. Being devil-like was another typical view people had of blacks. Othello while he is in a rage could be seen as devil-like. † Therefore confess thee freely of thy sin;/ For to deny each article with oath/ Cannot remove nor choke the strong conception/ That I do groan withal. Thou art to die† (V ii 54-56). Othello speaks these words to Desdemona before he murders her. Othello has no prove of her infidelity, except from what Iago has told him. Othello is in a huge rage as he is about to kill her and therefore could be seen as devil-like. Iago is also very devil-like, more than Othello and he is white. This contradicts the stereotypical view of black people in Shakespeare's' time. Act 5 Scene 2 Line 235 Iago kills his wife Emilia for speaking of Desdemona's faithfulness, therefore showing Iago's deceitfulness. Shakespeare cleverly presents Othello stereotypically, but also as a normal person. He could have done this to suit the different audiences, but he may have used these contradictions as a way of making people less prejudiced. Shakespeare thought carefully about the presentation of Othello's character as it shows two sides of a black man. Othello is a great general who has also won the affections of a white woman. Shakespeare was not the first to have presented a black man on stage. But he was the first to have not presented that black character as beastly and ferocious. He presents a warrior with great passion. Othello's language throughout the play is full of great passion. â€Å"All's well now, sweeting; come away to bed†(II i 234). This is one example of Othello's passion. At this point in Othello his passion is only towards Desdemona in a loving way. As Othello develops, Othello's passion changes as he becomes wrapped in a passion of jealousy. Othello then becomes an uncontrollable, violent man. Othello never stops his passionate loving for Desdemona but feels it his duty to kill her before she breaks more men's hearts. â€Å"Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men†(V ii 6). Othello says these words to himself while Desdemona is sleeping, before he is about to smother her. At the beginning of Othello you would never have thought that anything could ever come between a couple bearing so much love for each other. However, all that was needed to break this loving couple apart was Iago, gently introducing ideas, mentioning, just little things like Cassio's quick departures from Desdemona. â€Å"Cassio, my lord; No sure I cannot think it/ That he would steal away so guilty-like, / Seeing you coming.†(III iii 38-40). Iago keeps slipping in comments about Desdemona, until Othello becomes so caught up with jealousy that he is convinced of his wife's unfaithfulness. As Othello has so much passion, his anger is brewed into a huge mental tornado, which takes time to build up, but when at full strength can destroy even what seem like the strongest things, Othello and Desdemona's marriage, and resulting in the death of Desdemona.

The Role of English in Our Lives

The role of English in our lives has got much importance. English may be a foreign language, but it is international in its significance. It is taken as a lingua France, the common language , for all parts of the world today. The importance of English language in our lives is as firstly , it is spoken , read or understood in most parts of the world. Due to this language, we can belong to whole world as well as to our own country. Secondly, the role of English in our lives is that it is truly the language of science and technology. No other language offers such a wide scope for scientific studies and research in English. Without our mastery of English, we could not have easily used atomic energy for power generation, in engineering projects , medical treatment etc. Thirdly, the most major role of English is that it offers us treasures of knowledge in all social sciences like history, political science, economics , anthropology , sociology , philosophy an psychology. Fourthly ,it plays its role in modern medicine and surgery , developed from world wide studies and researches in different countries and language, now make a tremendous store house of medical knowledge in English. Lastly, religious and spiritual writings and translations in English are in plenty . All the Holy books including the Holy Quran and Bible with diverse translation find their pride of place in the section of religious books in any good library or book gallery. knowing how to speak it is definately a plus as it is the universal language (it allows you to communicate w/ ppl from other countries and learn and share ideas with them) and the â€Å"preferred† language used in most schools and business establishments (let's face it, it's hard to do well in school if you're poor in english as most books are written in english and schools use it as their medium of instruction†¦ o succeed in school and in one's career, english proficiency is needed). in some countries where english is a 2nd language, it is also seen as a status symbol†¦ i. e. , it is thought that only the rich and the educated can speak the language fluently.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Organizational Behaviour Challenges Essay

Organizational Behaviour is academic study of organizations by examining them using the methods of economics, sociology, political science, anthropology, and psychology. Being of a multidisciplinary nature, organizational behaviour is all the more complicated to study as well. It is primarily the study of individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting, as well as the nature of the organizations themselves (culture, subcultures, psyche etc. ). Whenever people interact in organizations, many factors come into play. Organizational studies attempt to understand and model these factors and seek to control, predict, and explain them. There is some controversy over the ethical ramifications of focusing on controlling workers’ behaviour. As such, organizational behaviour has at times been accused of being the scientific tool of the powerful. Those accusations notwithstanding, OB can play a major role in organizational development and success. My six month long experience of setting up a design room in Romania was an eye opener into the aspects of organisational behaviour and how important it is for a manager to be able to deal with these aspects in the work arena. The project was fairly new to the manufacturing industry. Look more:Â  starbucks problem essay My job primarily consisted of setting up the design room and training people to run it. There were several problems that I faced and some of them are as follows: Problems at individual level Individuals make up a team. If there are problems among them, the whole team and its dynamics are affected by it. At Romania this was exactly the case which resulted in difficulty in making them work as a team, ask advise from one another, respect each other and in general increase job efficiency in order to meet targets. That is partly because the workforce in Romania is protected so there is not much that can be done by managers. Although the fact has been recognised by surveys etc. , nothing is done in the workplace officially in order to change things. The opposite is true for private companies however where management is very controlling and demanding. The human element I observed in such situations that the contingency approach to organisational behaviour in small teams only makes things difficult. Managers not only in my company but other companies that I had discussions with take it for granted that they will have to treat people in a different way in order to have their work done. Variations were stark due t the personal psyches of each individual in the team. This was however managed by trying to bring them at a standard level of thought and training. The above two problems can also be seen as a result of the fact that Romanians tend to keep their personal lives separate from the workplace (Steven 2003). I believe that managers should use Development Administration and Management techniques (Cooke 2004) to develop the workforce in places like Romania and other third world countries. Lack of responsibility Romanians, being used to the previous communist workplace, did not have to wrry about their work ethics much. They knew that they would have a job whether they did it well or not. This was something that didn’t change throughout the whole time I was there. It is clear that the reason for this failure was due to the fact that the external environment (communist culture) was at work here and an intrinsic part of their life conditioning. This ultimately meant that they did not learn from their mistakes and didn’t now show a commitment to improvement. Secondly I believe that the design room concept being new, it had to be implemented using change management techniques (Hay & Hartel 2003).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Wgu Nut1

Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Gary L Williams Western Governors University Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) The new millennium has produced many changes in the world as we know it. Our national security which seemed to be impermeable has revealed its vulnerability to being breached. Remember September 11, 2001 when the hi-jacking of planes lead to the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, and severe damage the Pentagon in Washington DC.Now our Healthcare System has now moved into the information highway. How you may ask, through the introduction of the EMR. So will the EMR be safe and secure? Let us investigate. So just what is the EMR? There are many formal definitions but the one that stands out and will be used today is from the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). It states: The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a longitudinal electronic record of pati ent health information generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery setting.Included in this information are patient demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data and radiology reports. The EHR automates and streamlines the clinician's workflow. The EHR has the ability to generate a complete record of a clinical patient encounter – as well as supporting other care-related activities directly or indirectly via interface – including evidence-based decision support, quality management, and outcomes reporting. (HIMSS) Within this definition there is a multitude of system components.Think of it like the multiple Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) dividers that were found in the paper medical record. For instance, you may see headers like, medication record, order entry, nursing assessments, the plan of care, education, radiology, cardiology, etc. Under the medication tab la ys the eMAR, medication history, and reconciliation. Each band with the click of the mouse will open a new file within this record. The design is formatted to follow a systematic flow with check boxes, drop down lists, or free text space to document the patient findings, activities, and assessments.The EMR will have many benefits for the entire healthcare team and the patient. By development and design with the assistance of key personnel, the EMR should flow and make documentation easier. By having a standardized flow and options to document the standards of care, documenting should become easier and provide more consistency. Take for example a urine description. You may see for color description amber, yellow, red, clear, or tea. Then cloudy, turbid, clots, or mucous followed by malodorous, sweet, or pungent. This will provide a means of potential measurement for Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM).How many patients with UTI receiving Bactrim DS have amber mucous pungent urine on a GU u nit? Can you see the pattern? The EMR will assist in critical thinking as well. Your physical assessment for instance may be by body system or a complete head to toe assessment. These screens will assist the nurse in reminders of required documentation. The nurse may receive a task list for a certain procedure or required documentation of a high risk factor, such as fall precautions, to alert the bedside nurse or technician that the document is due or past due.Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) The EMR will provide real time data and reports from various disciplines within the healthcare facility. For instance, a Vancomycin trough was ordered at 0700 and its 0900 and the IV medication is due. By selecting the laboratory tab your result will be there in front of you before the dose is administered. The same can be expected of radiology imagining results, EKG, stress test reports, a bedside capillary glucose test done by the technician. No more searching through multi ple computer systems or piles of lab results to find the data you need.The information is there and readily available. Healthcare providers have the penmanship of a deranged mad scientist. How often do you have multiple nurses trying to determine what Dr. Hyde just wrote? What if you guess wrong? Now you place that call to Dr. Hyde for clarification when you have a multitude of things to be doing. With Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE), no longer will guessing what was written be an issue. Standard order sets will be available with the opportunity to be individualized or modified from a pre-determined list of ommon orders for routine admission or for specific disease processes like the Acute Myocardial Infarction. Included may be diet, activity, vital signs, IV fluids, labs, EKG, PCXR, or consults. As touched upon earlier with the urine sample report, there is a myriad of potential data that can be extrapolated to form reports for research and to assist with the EBM. What is the average number of days for patients on the ventilator for June, 2011? How many patients in the rehabilitation unit have pressure ulcers? Maybe a nurse says to the unit manager that it seems like a large number of the patients on the unit have C- Difficile?A report can be run to show Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) trends of the patients with this condition. Maybe it’s a hand washing issue or cross contamination from multi-use bathroom facilities. There are many opportunities that would at best have been difficult to track from the old paper medical record. Identity theft is rampant in this world of technology. How will the EMR be secured? How can the nurse access the EMR? Today home computers are almost essential. The same virus and malware that affect your home computer can infect the EMR if security is lacking.The Information Technology team will provide the overall security for the system by continuous upgrades to software like antivirus and firewal l protection. Each team member will be issued a unique log-in and password to access the EMR. This must be kept strictly confidential for the nurse’s protection. This secure log-in is like a finger print of the assigned user. When the EMR is accessed, there is a time stamp of what records were accessed, for what length of time, and by whom. A secure trail of entry into the EMR can be traced. What is the Personal Health Record (PHR) and how does it differ from the EMR?The PHR is essentially the same document that you would produce in the Physician’s Office. The PHR can be completed online either through a Physician’s Office or through an outside resource. Things that would be included in the PHR might be your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and possibly the social security number. This record could also contain your Physicians name and phone number, the list of your current medications and dosages, a list of current and Introduction to the Electro nic Medical Record (EMR) past medical conditions, and passed surgical history.This type of a record is usually maintained by the patient themselves. The PHR will differ from the Electronic Medical Record in that the Electronic Medical Record is property of the Health Care facility and not the consumer. The personal health record becomes more vulnerable to breaches in security since it is maintained by the consumer. For example, I might give my sign on and password to my family or friend to input data for me. This obviously breaches ones security. This allows access to these individuals to alter ones personal health record at will.The website that maintains the personal health record may not be as secure as that of the Health Care facility. The Electronic Medical record is usually maintained by the healthcare facility, outpatient clinic, or Physician’s Office. These healthcare facilities must maintain high security to protect the information within that medical record. In 1996 , Congress passed a law entitled The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA). This law was designed: -To improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets. To combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insurance and health care delivery. -To reduce costs and the administrative burdens of health care by improving efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system by standardizing the interchange of Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) electronic data for specified administrative and financial transactions. -To ensure protecting the privacy of Americans’ personal health records by protecting the security and confidentiality of health care information. (James) The security and confidentiality are paramount. Fines are levied as a result of a breech to the HPPA law.There must be alerts to vulnerabilities, safeguards to help protect the EMR and the Information Technology team must be able to identi fy possible threats. Using an EMR (electronic medical record) has no absolute right and wrongs in either computer equipment or software for HIPAA compliance. Usually there are four areas to examine: -Physical Security – can your computers with patient data be stolen? -User Security – can anybody log on to the patient database? -System Security – what happens on a hard drive crash? -Network Security – can unauthorized persons outside your facility access patient data? Milne, 2006) Security is never easy to maintain; it requires continuous safeguarding. As a team we are all responsible to assist in the security of the EMR. Always log on and off when you are no longer Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) using the bedside computer. Always check before charting that it is indeed you that is longed into the system and that only one patient record at a time is open for use. The EMR can be a valuable tool for Quality Improvement (QI). Through the design phase, a number of measurable data can be built into the EMR for report generation.If the team wanted to look at the number of times vital signs were not documented as dictated per Policy & Procedure. This data can be built into the system and reports run daily, weekly, or monthly. The same thing can be built to monitor for overdue or omitted medications. This can be further expanded to identify which team member is involved and to check for trends. Data may also be collected to support EBM. For example, tracking the effectiveness of two different antibiotic treatment regimens of a selected disease process may be used to support a change in the disease treatment (e. . antibiotic A showed improvement in five days where as antibiotic B showed improvement in ten days. ) Here again the possibilities seem endless. Think of the time savings for all the key people that would be required to look through endless paper medical records for this type of data collection in the paper medic al record. So how does the EMR come to fruition? It takes a large team of various specialties and specialists to develop the EMR. It starts with the Healthcare system researching and then purchasing the best system to fit the company’s needs and requirements.Once purchased, the owner of the software will deploy a team of specialists that will assist the Healthcare systems team to design and develop the contents and flow of the EMR. The team includes senior management which will assist in the purchase and be the governing authority of the proposed Introduction to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) work flow before implementation. There are many subdivided teams. Nursing will have Subject Material Experts (SME) that will be the voice to assist in the flow, wordage, and design of the nursing components of the EMR. The SME’s will be from every department of nursing.From this group will be the Super User. The Super User will act as the cheerleader for the project developme nt and will be the main source for assisting with the Go Live of the EMR. The Information Technology (IT) will be a multi-tiered group ranging from System Support Analyst or the front line of communication, the Computer Programmers and System Analyst or the builders and troubleshooters, to the Project Managers or the supervisors of the IT team. Nursing will also have the Clinical Informatics Application Analyst who will be the voice between nursing and the technical side of issues, concerns, and development.The End User which is the front lines of nursing and everyone that will be using the system for documentation. And last but not least will be the Educators that will teach the system to the entire team. This is a rather large of individuals working as the voice of the EMR development and implementation. In conclusion, change will be rough at times but change is necessary for progression. Be positive and listen to the teams and the tips that are offered. Assist each other as suppo rt with the continued learning and development of the EMR. The Technology age is here and we should all reap the benefits of this endeavor.Remember how Florence Nightingale was the frontier to nursing as we know it. Well each of you deserves a pat on the back as you are the pioneers that have lead nursing into the technology phase of the Electronic Medical Record. You too are a part of nursing history. References HIMSS. (n. d. ) EHR Electronic Health Record. Retrieved from http://www. himss. org/asp/topics_ehr. asp James, R. (n. d. ) What is HIPPA? Retrieved from http://www. dhmh. state. md. us/hipaa/whatishipaa. html Milne, M. (2006, March 6). HIPAA in a â€Å"Nutshell† – Guidelines for EMR and Paper Medical Records Compliance.Retrieved from http://ezinearticles. com/? HIPAA-in-a-Nutshell—Guidelines-for-EMR-and-Paper- Medical-Records-Compliance&id=156737 Ten open ended questions. 1. When the EMR is first implemented on your unit, how can you assure the patient that you are competent in your profession? You will explain that you are a seasoned nurse and an expert in the nursing field. Today our facility is introducing the new EMR which will benefit you in the future. This will take a little more time for me to learn and I do not want you to feel like you are being ignored. I may have to ask you a lot of questions as I go through each section.Please feel free to ask me any questions or concerns that you may have. Our goal is your comfort and safety though the high quality of care. 2. On the day of Go-Live, how can your unit best assist you in providing support as you learn this new technology? My unit manager should over staff initially as we learn the new system. I can foresee the nurse being so buried in the computer that the delivery of care might be too slow initially. Having the extra staff will decrease the patient load and allow extra hands to assist with the delivery of care. 3. As you learn the new system there will be some anticip ated frustration.How can you divert this frustration so that your patient doesn’t sense that something is wrong? We will need to have the Super-User and Analyst available to assist us as problems or concerns occur. It is imperative that the bed side nurse remain positive an up beat as we learn. I suggest maybe huddles through out the day away from the bed side to discuss our concerns. We don’t want the patient to feel uncomfortable. 4. Your patient asks you why it is important to have the computer charting. Briefly tell me what you might say and why? The EMR is being implemented throughout the area as well as world wide.As you record develops, we will only need to verify some of your past medical history, allergies, medications, etc. These types of data will flow from one visit to another making you care easier as the data is readily available. No more waiting for old charts to arrive and thumbing through page after page of data to look for pertinent information. 5. Ho w do you perceive future benefits of an interoperable EMR? It will be possible in the future as the EMR progresses, that your hospital record, physician office record, out patient records, and pharmacy to communicate with each other.By doing so, some potential errors may be thwarted. For instance, maybe you are not able to recall all of your home medications and your consulting physician decides you need a new blood pressure medication. If the records could speak to each other then this physician would be able to see that you were already prescribed an antihypertensive medication or the pharmacy might catch the possible error. 6. Futuristically, let’s say you take a dream vacation to a foreign country. While on your visit you become ill and collapse unconsciously.How can the interoperable EMR potentially be a benefit in this case? If the system develops into a world wide communication link, then with limited data perhaps the hospital in the foreign country would be able to ac cess and utilize my EMR to provide answers in how to deliver the best possible care for me. So if I went in with a suspected ruptured appendix, by accessing my EMR surgical history it would be noted that I have had an appendectomy ten years prior so the focus could be directed at another possible cause. 7.Your patient states to you that she hates the computer and that it is the devils advocate. She is tearful and appears anxious. How might you handle this as you are in the middle of documenting in the EMR? You should stop what you are doing and maybe sit beside the patient and gently hold her hand and ask what seems to be troubling her? She might say she feels the nurses spend more time touching the computer and no time touching her, as you just did, and that we come across as cold and not caring. We need to realize that patient interaction is still paramount to the overall delivery of care.Take time to interact with the patient. Then step back and document; perhaps explaining what you are documenting and why it is important to her care. 8. What do you anticipate will be your plan of action when the computer system is down? What will be your back up plan? If the computer is down for a set amount of time, as determined by the hospitals administration, then the paper chart will be utilized. If the downtime is for an extended period of time, then this data would be scanned into the EMR as soon as possible after the computer system is back on line.If the duration was short, say an hour or so, then this data should be manually documented back into the EMR with the assessment time documented. 9. How do you anticipate computer physician order entry being a benefit? For one legibility! No more trying to decode what you think may have been written. It will be clear and concise. Also the physician may be able to look at documentation form somewhere other than the patients unit and decide orders need to be given. He can simply do computer order entry and a task will appe ar for new orders.If the order is anything other than routine, a call should be placed to alert the nurse of the priority. 10. What do see as a benefit to Quality Improvement by the institution of the EMR on a unit basis? We will be able to track data at a faster and higher accuracy a opposed to thumbing through paper record after record searching for data collection. The data collected can be as concise as to a particular nurse or a specific health issue. The data collected helps to support EBM change.